Often you will talk about your needs and wishes both now and in the past. Usually people do not talk about a lot of things because they are too personal, or because they would hurt other people’s feelings, or for some other similar reason. You will find that with your therapist you will be able to talk about anything that comes to your mind. He or she won’t have any preconceived notions about what is right or what is wrong for you or what the best solution would be. Talking is very important because the therapist wants to help you find out what you really want. The problem most people have in making decisions is not that they do not know enough, but that they never have had the opportunity of talking things over with someone who does not try to make their decisions for them. The therapist’s job is to help you make the right decisions.

Often we are confused about ourselves. The therapist is not going to try and tell you what he or she thinks, but may point out to you how things you are saying do not seem to fit together. The job of your therapist is to help you keep in mind all of the important facts and feelings so that you can come to a solution that takes all of the facts into account. This is sometimes hard because these feelings may often conflict with each other.