

How does the group process work?

By |November 13, 2024|Categories: Group, Uncategorized|

The Process: A newcomer to the group is greeted by many transference reactions. Early relatedness in the group are those of maximal distortions; later, just before termination, these patterns are based on more real foundations, the [...]

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Psychotherapy Groups at Gymea Lily Psychotherapy Centre

By |August 26, 2024|Categories: Group|

Group Analytic theory provides a model that integrates the intrapsychic with the interpersonal Group Analysis (or group-analytic psychotherapy) is an established form of group therapy based on the view that deep and lasting change can occur [...]

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Depression and Relationships

By |June 12, 2024|Categories: Depression, Relationships|

Depression and Relationships Major Depressive Disorder impacts a significant amount of people across the world, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicting that by 2030 depression will account for the highest disability in the world (WHO, [...]

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Conflict and Mediation

By |January 24, 2024|Categories: Conflict, Uncategorized|

Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, where the mediator takes the role of a neutral third party in assisting two or more parties in dispute to seek some resolution. Mediation is different from [...]

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Phone: 02 9545 4772
Fax: 02 9542 2959
Address: 170 Oak Road, Kirrawee NSW, 2232

Postal Address: PO Box 566, Sutherland NSW 1499

Internet safety should be a top priority. FYI for parents ... See MoreSee Less
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We can not accept a situation where our health system is run into non existence. Since the 1980s it has been underfunded. We need Psychiatrists to treat acutely mentally ill and distressed humans. Please contact the Minister for health and let them know how you feel. At Gymea Lily Psychotherapy Centre we DON'T have a waiting list for adults, we bulkbill between 10am to 2pm, if you are a pension card holder, and we have a Robin Hood sliding scale for fees. Please talk to us if you need help. We have a social work student starting who will see children for free. First in best dressed. ... See MoreSee Less
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